April 9, 2023
The Resurrection of Christ, by Pastor Mark Dilley
Main passage: Galatians 5:22-26
Secondary references: 1 Cor 15:3-4,12-20; John 17:1-5; 19:28-30; Rom 1:1-4; 6:3-5; 12:1-2; Eph 2:4-7; Phil 3:10-11
April 9, 2023
The Resurrection of Christ, by Pastor Mark Dilley
Main passage: Galatians 5:22-26
Secondary references: 1 Cor 15:3-4,12-20; John 17:1-5; 19:28-30; Rom 1:1-4; 6:3-5; 12:1-2; Eph 2:4-7; Phil 3:10-11
April 5, 2023 (midweek message)
Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish, by Pastor Mark Dilley
Main passage: Ephesians 4:31-32
Secondary references: Rom 7:15; Gal 5:16,22-23,25-26
April 2, 2023
The Fruit of the Spirit, Part 1, by Pastor Mark Dilley
Main passage: Galatians 5:22-26
Secondary references: Phil 1:9-11; 4:8-9; Rom 5:1-2,5,8; 8:8; 13:8-10; Eph 1:18-20; 2:4-5; 3:17b-21; 5:8-11; 1 John 4:7-10,16; 1 Cor 13:1-8,13; 2 Cor 5:14-15; 1 Thess 3:12; Gal 5:13-14; Col 3:14
March 26, 2023
“God’s Battle Plan For Our Spiritual Warfare“
Our Battle With the Brethren, by Pastor Ricky Kurth
Main passage: Galatians 2:6-9
Secondary references: 1 Cor 10:16,20-21; 12:7-12; Job 32:21; Gal 1:15-17; Acts 17:1-2,10; 22:3; 1 Peter 3:8-9,21; Eph 2:11-12; Neh 6:16; 2 Cor 12:12; Acts 5:15-16; 19:11-12; Matt 18:18-19; 28:19; Rom 1:5; 2:28-29; 11:13; Mal 1:11; Titus 3:5
March 25, 2023
“God’s Battle Plan For Our Spiritual Warfare“
Behind Enemy Lines, by Pastor Don Hosfeld
Scripture references: Rom 12:10; Eph 6:10-18; Gal 3:26; 2 Cor 4:3-4; 1 Tim 2:4; John 1:14; 14:6
March 25, 2023
“God’s Battle Plan For Our Spiritual Warfare“
Our Battle With False Brethren, by Pastor Ricky Kurth
Main passage: Galatians 2:1-5
Secondary references: Acts 9:26-27; 15:1-5,19,22-24; Matt 9:24; 23:1-3; 28:19-20; 2 Thess 2:2; 2 Cor 7:14-15; 2 Kings 6:11-12; Luke 21:34; Rom 7:1-6; 1 Peter 2:18; Eph 5:24; Titus 3:1; Gen 42:9-20; Gal 5:1
March 24, 2023
“God’s Battle Plan For Our Spiritual Warfare“
Like It or Not, You’re in the Battle, by Pastor Don Hosfeld
Scripture references: Psalm 110:1; 2 Cor 4:3-4; 5:20-21; 6:1-2; Eph 6:16; 1 Cor 9:7; 2 Tim 2:3-4; 4:7; Phil 1:16-17; Luke 2:34; 1 Tim 1:18-19; Gen 3:4-5,12-15; Josh 24:15; Rom 5:1,10; 8:32
March 19, 2023
Christ in the Believer, by Pastor Mark Dilley
Main passage: Galatians 5:22-26
Secondary references: Gal 1:15-16; 2:20; 5:19; 1 Cor 2:14-16; 6:19-20; 14:37; 15:1-4; 2 Cor 3:18; 13:3-4; Eph 1:13-14; 2:8-9; 3:16-17; Rom 8:9,38-39; Phil 1:20-21; 2:12-13; 4:9;1 Thess 2:13; 2 Thess 3:14-15
March 15, 2023 (midweek message)
And Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God, by Pastor Mark Dilley
Main passage: Ephesians 4:27-32
Secondary references: 1 Peter 5:8-9; Phil 4:4-9
March 12, 2023
The Glorious Gospel of the Grace of God, by Pastor Mark Dilley
Scripture references: Eph 1:6-7,11-14; 2:4-13; 5:1-2,20-21;1 Cor 11:28; 15:1-4; Rom 3:23-26,28; 4:4-6; 5:1-2,6-8,25-27; 11:5-6; Gal 2:20; 2 Thess 2:16-17; 2 Cor 9:8; 13:5